
He's a Magic Man...

You know how when women get together to drink coffee, or iced tea, or vodka gimlets they tend to talk a little? And how almost inevitably the talk tends to meander its way around to the subject of husbands/significant others and their laundry list of shortcomings (among which is the lack of laundry skills...)?

Well, I just want to state for the record that my husband is not only very adept at tackling stubborn stains on whites, he is also very willing - dare I say glad - to do it. And thats not all. Not by a long shot. I have come to the conclusion that I have married someone who is magic. In our 18 years of marriage I have never once had to call a handyman for any reason whatsoever. He can fix anything.

In the space of one weekend I have personally witnessed this skilled Adonis install a wood floor, change the oil on the Mini, hook up a garbage disposal, make a fish casserole, and sew on a loose button - with time left over to take the kids to the library.

This is all just to say that I am very thankful that I am such a lucky duck. Is he perfect? Well, that depends on the day you ask. But I will tell you, should we ever be together sipping a perfectly made martini and the subject of husbandly shortcomings comes up, I'm afraid I won't be joining in the conversation. And if it crosses your mind to ask him what exactly it is that he needs me for, I will find you where you live and boil your Steiff teddybear in the biggest pot you've got...


So that was fun

When uber-talented Annie Smith Piffel agreed to instruct a workshop here at Rock Paper Scissors, I immediately signed myself up. I have always harbored a bit of jealousy for people who can paint.

Not the house painting people mind you. I can think of no fewer than 8 million things I would rather do than tape off baseboard with that hideously colored painter's tape (too smurf-y to my way of thinking) and start dripping paint on the improperly covered hardwood floors.

No - I'm talking about the paint on canvas people. I would love to be able to do that. And so, I signed myself up and made arrangements to have the retail portion of the shop duly covered.

Things went slightly askew with my carefully made plans. Let's just say that I planned to attend the workshop. Then I couldn't take the workshop. Then I could. Then I couldn't. I finally settled for being bodily in the workshop about 2/3 of the time, running up and down the stairs 1/6 of the time, on the phone 1/8 of the time, and mentally checked-out for about 3/4 of the time. However, during the parts where I was both mentally and bodily available it was nothing short of fabulous. Annie is just that good!

I told myself that no matter how my painting turned out, I was by golly going to frame it and hang it. And so I did. And I have to say - everybody who took the workshop created a truly frame-worthy piece of art. Annie was informative, and encouraging. And I heard several comments about how relaxing it all was. Hmmm.