
The KiddyBox!

EXCLUSIVELY for RockPaperScissors
Master Craftsman Tom Kiddy has created each
one of a kind,beautifully designed and detailed
"KiddyBox" to house your extensive addresses,
artful techniques & ideas or favorite quotes and more!
Each box comes with a generous starter set of cards
made from scraps of glorious papers,and additional
cards may be purchased for a song!


zoe said...

Cool box - is it available by mail?

Corey Dankocsik said...

yes it is! call 636-724-5002 for details!

Corey Dankocsik said...

thanks for ordering one of our kiddyboxes,zoe!

Anonymous said...

wow there really cool! how much are they and do you ship to canada?
email me at jclausen5@hotmail.com